,MEMBERS of a sports club in Chalford are asking the community to help them improve their facilities.

Chalford Sports and Social Club is a popular and well used resource, with football, cricket, tennis, short mat bowls, darts and skittles all played at the site.

It has been at the heart of the community since the 1960s, serving as a much loved venue, providing a space for sports teams to meet up and get some excercise and socialise.

But the premises is now showing its age and is in desperate need of some TLC.

Club members are now fundraising for new changing rooms and a new roof for the club house.

​Ali Brady, manager of Chalford Sports and Social Club, said: "Any income the club generates is reinvested back into maintaining the facilities, but the age of the building and the loss of nearly a year’s income due to Covid mean that our reserves are low.

"The clubhouse has a flat roof, and there are only so many times you can repair a flat roof.

"The recent rains have created an indoor water feature at the club," Ali joked. 

"It has been patched again, but the need for a new roof is now a priority.

"The committee are also fund raising for more changing rooms, as the club now has not only the men's teams, but junior, youth and potentially women’s teams to accommodate. 

"Over the next year the club will be running events regularly to raise the money towards funding these two major projects and your support at any of these events would really help.

"We kick off on Saturday 11th February with a dance to the band Casual Six, who are Chalfest favourites.

"And there will be live music each month featuring different local bands.

"Not to be missed is our popular beer festival with live music which is taking place on 10th June 2023.

"If you are able to help financially or practically with our renovations, or would like to become a member so that you can hear more about the events that we run, please email Ali:  infochalfordssc@gmail.com"

Annual social membership is £15 for adults and £10 for 65+ seniors. Members receive discounted drinks at the bar, and don't need to live in Chalford.